Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool
“In His Arms”

Parent Handbook
Program Information
Administrative Staff
Brenda Arden - Director
Jesica Schmitt - Administrative Assistant
Myra Heitman - Administrative Assistant
Susan Moss - Director of Finance and Administration
Rev. Graham Glover - Senior Pastor
Joshua Mazur - Music Ministry Director
Daniel Schmitt - Events and Activities Coordinator
Jesica Schmitt - Administrative Assistant
Myra Heitman - Administrative Assistant
Susan Moss - Director of Finance and Administration
Rev. Graham Glover - Senior Pastor
Joshua Mazur - Music Ministry Director
Daniel Schmitt - Events and Activities Coordinator
Enrichment Activities
Soccer Shots - Josh Hamilton
Spanish Club - Marisela Socorro
Kids Yoga - Valeria Rosich
**Subject to Availability**
Spanish Club - Marisela Socorro
Kids Yoga - Valeria Rosich
**Subject to Availability**
Preschool Advisory Committee
Brenda Arden
Megan Bultemeier
Emma Chiarelli
Graham Glover
Becky Hernandez
Phyllis Leone
Hannah Mazur
Sandy Morgan
Susan Moss
Megan Bultemeier
Emma Chiarelli
Graham Glover
Becky Hernandez
Phyllis Leone
Hannah Mazur
Sandy Morgan
Susan Moss
Enrollment and Admissions
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool, Gainesville, Florida, admits children of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.
Preschool Overview
“Academic Excellence Anchored in Christ”
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool offers classes for children who will be turning two by January 1st of the current school year through Pre-Kindergarten. Our foundation is based on a constant supply of love and nurturing, a focus on Christ, and the fostering of a close family feeling in a carefully appointed classroom “home.” Our student/teacher ratios are low, affording each child individual attention as needed.
We provide curriculum that encourages whole-child learning, positive self-concept, and social skills. Each classroom is a richly diverse and age-appropriate environment. Our program permits each child the freedom to act upon his/her own curiosity and ideas within a consistent framework through a variety of learning centers in addition to planned activities in religion, art, music, movement, literacy, math, science, handwriting, and technology. Activities are also selected to develop the skills addressed in Kindergarten.
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool offers classes for children who will be turning two by January 1st of the current school year through Pre-Kindergarten. Our foundation is based on a constant supply of love and nurturing, a focus on Christ, and the fostering of a close family feeling in a carefully appointed classroom “home.” Our student/teacher ratios are low, affording each child individual attention as needed.
We provide curriculum that encourages whole-child learning, positive self-concept, and social skills. Each classroom is a richly diverse and age-appropriate environment. Our program permits each child the freedom to act upon his/her own curiosity and ideas within a consistent framework through a variety of learning centers in addition to planned activities in religion, art, music, movement, literacy, math, science, handwriting, and technology. Activities are also selected to develop the skills addressed in Kindergarten.
Spiritual Program
“Connecting Hearts to Jesus”
Daily, both staff and children hear and live out the true Gospel message: the Good News that Jesus died and came alive for our salvation. Learning that Jesus loves them "no matter what", children experience the love and forgiveness of one another and their teachers. This is more than learning how to live a moral life. It is building a life of love based on the life, death, and resurrection of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. It is this belief and teaching that makes our school unique.
We use the Lutheran curriculum "One-in-Christ” to introduce children to the basic teaching of the Christian faith. Through daily Bible lessons the children learn about Jesus, His great love for people, and how God cares for their every need. Prayer and worship are part of each day with weekly Bible themes integrated throughout the curriculum. Chapel is held weekly in the sanctuary with our Pastor and major festivals of the church year are celebrated appropriately.
Our preschool receives the support of our church body, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which is the second largest parochial school system in the nation.
Daily, both staff and children hear and live out the true Gospel message: the Good News that Jesus died and came alive for our salvation. Learning that Jesus loves them "no matter what", children experience the love and forgiveness of one another and their teachers. This is more than learning how to live a moral life. It is building a life of love based on the life, death, and resurrection of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. It is this belief and teaching that makes our school unique.
We use the Lutheran curriculum "One-in-Christ” to introduce children to the basic teaching of the Christian faith. Through daily Bible lessons the children learn about Jesus, His great love for people, and how God cares for their every need. Prayer and worship are part of each day with weekly Bible themes integrated throughout the curriculum. Chapel is held weekly in the sanctuary with our Pastor and major festivals of the church year are celebrated appropriately.
Our preschool receives the support of our church body, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which is the second largest parochial school system in the nation.
Our Program Goals
Grow Spiritually to:
Develop a sense of trust Realize the need for God’s love Know Jesus as their Savior Respond to God’s love and care Feel secure in God’s love and care See themselves as God’s children
Grow Emotionally to:
Develop a positive self-concept Be free to risk failure and be comfortable with mistakes Develop a sense of security and trust Show independence and responsibility Channel emotions into appropriate and acceptable actions
Grow Socially to:
Learn to play, work, and communicate with peers and adults Adjust to group situations Accept others Develop a sense of community Accept changes in environment and routines
Grow Physically to:
Develop gross and fine motor coordination Develop eye-hand and eye-foot coordination Become aware of his/her own body
Grow Intellectually to:
Continue to develop language use and understanding Develop reading skills Develop thinking and problem-solving skills Develop math skills Develop his/her attention span Complete tasks Initiate his/her own activities
Grow Creatively to:
View self and others as unique individuals created by God Express ideas in his/her own way Be artistically creative using a variety of media Develop God-given talents and abilities
Develop a sense of trust Realize the need for God’s love Know Jesus as their Savior Respond to God’s love and care Feel secure in God’s love and care See themselves as God’s children
Grow Emotionally to:
Develop a positive self-concept Be free to risk failure and be comfortable with mistakes Develop a sense of security and trust Show independence and responsibility Channel emotions into appropriate and acceptable actions
Grow Socially to:
Learn to play, work, and communicate with peers and adults Adjust to group situations Accept others Develop a sense of community Accept changes in environment and routines
Grow Physically to:
Develop gross and fine motor coordination Develop eye-hand and eye-foot coordination Become aware of his/her own body
Grow Intellectually to:
Continue to develop language use and understanding Develop reading skills Develop thinking and problem-solving skills Develop math skills Develop his/her attention span Complete tasks Initiate his/her own activities
Grow Creatively to:
View self and others as unique individuals created by God Express ideas in his/her own way Be artistically creative using a variety of media Develop God-given talents and abilities
Program Options
Program Days:
2 days (Tuesday, Thursday)
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
5 days (Monday - Friday)
Program Times:
Preschool Morning (8:20 – 12:00)
The Preschool Morning program drop off begins at 8:20 a.m. Please drop your child off curbside and sign them in using your Procare PIN. All children should be here by 9:00 a.m. Tardiness is strongly discouraged, as late arrivals disrupt the entire class. Pick-up for children enrolled in the Preschool Morning is 12:00 with a 15-minute grace period prior to incurring any additional charges.
Three-Quarter Day (8:20 – 3:00)
This program includes the Preschool Morning and extends the day until 3:00. Children need to bring a lunchbox and drink. Children will have an age-appropriate rest time ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Full Day (8:20 – 6:00)
This program includes all the above, with an additional snack and small group activities until 6:00 p.m.
Children ages two and younger are not required to be toilet trained. Children three and older must be toilet trained.
2 days (Tuesday, Thursday)
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
5 days (Monday - Friday)
Program Times:
Preschool Morning (8:20 – 12:00)
The Preschool Morning program drop off begins at 8:20 a.m. Please drop your child off curbside and sign them in using your Procare PIN. All children should be here by 9:00 a.m. Tardiness is strongly discouraged, as late arrivals disrupt the entire class. Pick-up for children enrolled in the Preschool Morning is 12:00 with a 15-minute grace period prior to incurring any additional charges.
Three-Quarter Day (8:20 – 3:00)
This program includes the Preschool Morning and extends the day until 3:00. Children need to bring a lunchbox and drink. Children will have an age-appropriate rest time ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Full Day (8:20 – 6:00)
This program includes all the above, with an additional snack and small group activities until 6:00 p.m.
Children ages two and younger are not required to be toilet trained. Children three and older must be toilet trained.
Summer Programs
Abiding Savior offers a Summer Camp program for preschool and lower elementary age children. Summer Camp provides the same loving Christian environment you expect at our school in a less structured program. For our newly enrolled students, it will provide an easier transition to our school program in the fall. Please check our website for details.
Daily Class Hours
Early Care opens daily at 7:30 AM for children requiring early morning extended care. There is a fee. The Preschool morning drop off begins at 8:20 AM. All children should be here by 9:00 AM. Tardiness is discouraged because late arrivals disrupt the entire class. The Preschool morning ends at 12:00 PM. Lunch Bunch and Extended care are available by the hour for $8.00 per hour. Extra hours are billed in whole hour increments only. Please send a lunchbox with a drink if your child is staying for lunch. We offer a 3/4-day pick-up at 3:00 PM and the full day program ends at 6:00 PM.
All children must be picked up by 6:00 PM. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for any child picked up after 6:00 PM.
All children must be picked up by 6:00 PM. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for any child picked up after 6:00 PM.
Pick up/Drop off
Drop off will be curbside at Building 2 and Building 3. Please stay in your vehicle during drop off until a staff member comes to your vehicle for your child’s Procare PIN. Children’s hands will be sanitized when entering the building. Walk-up drop off is available by parking in the parking lot and walking to Building 2 or Building 3. Please do not leave your car unattended with the engine running! Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle!
Pick up will be inside our preschool buildings. Inside pick up allows parents the opportunity to be in the building, interact with staff members, fellowship with other parents, etc. At the end of your child's day, please go to the same building for pick up before or at 3:00 PM. Froggies will be in Building 2 for 1:00 pick up and after. After 3:15 PM, please go to the upstairs Building 3.
Pick up will be inside our preschool buildings. Inside pick up allows parents the opportunity to be in the building, interact with staff members, fellowship with other parents, etc. At the end of your child's day, please go to the same building for pick up before or at 3:00 PM. Froggies will be in Building 2 for 1:00 pick up and after. After 3:15 PM, please go to the upstairs Building 3.
Tuition and Fees Policies
1. An annual, non-refundable application/activity/supply fee of $250 is required when applying for your child’s placement in the school. No fee is required to be placed on the waiting list. If you apply and we do not have a space for your child, these fees will be refunded until a space opens.
2. Parents may choose from the following program days:
2 days (Tuesday, Thursday)
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
5 days (Monday through Friday)
Parents may choose from the following school program times:
Preschool Morning (8:20 – 12:00)
Three-Quarter Day (8:20 – 3:00)
Full Day (8:20 – 6:00)
3. We offer an Early Riser program from 7:30 – 8:20 with two options. You may choose the discounted Early Riser Monthly rate or be billed hourly for occasional use ($8.50/hour). There is no reduction for absences or holiday closures with the monthly rate.
4. Lunch Bunch and Extended Care are available by the hour as an option ($8.50/hour). No advance notice is necessary for these hourly options, but children staying will need to bring a lunch.
5. Children ages 2 and younger are not required to be toilet trained. Children ages 3 and older must be toilet trained. Children ages 3 and older may not come to school in pull-ups or diapers.
6. If a student has more than five tardies in a semester, a conference will be scheduled with the preschool director. If the tardies continue, this may be cause for dismissal from the preschool program.
7. If your child stays for after-care (after 1 PM), there is a one-time fee of $50 for supplies invoiced with the first tuition payment.
8. A $50 fee will be assessed for any changes made reducing your chosen school program days or times after August 1st. No fee will be assessed for adding days or hours.
9. Tuition for the school year is set annually and divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Your first tuition payment is due July 1st and is non-refundable. Payments 2 – 10 are due September 1st through May 1st. There is no tuition reduction for absences or holiday closures. Extra hours are billed separately.
10. Tuition reminders are sent via email by the 1st of the month, with payments due by the 5th. Tuition may be paid by cash, check, or online. A late fee of $25 may be assessed if full payment is not received by the 10th. Accounts inarrears for 30 days or more may result in dismissal from the program.
11. If you voluntarily withdraw your child from our program and wish to have your tuition prorated, you must give us two weeks’ written notice by filling out a withdrawal form. If you give us less than two weeks’ written notice, you will be responsible for the entire month’s tuition.
12. You will be charged $36 for returned checks.
13. The oldest child enrolled will pay 100% tuition and subsequent children will receive the 20% sibling discount regardless of program.
14. Abiding Savior Lutheran Church members receive a 20% reduction in tuition and pay a reduced preschool application/activity/supply fee of $200.
15. We reserve the right to withdraw the above discounts if tuition is not paid in full by the 10th of each month.
16. If multiple discounts are available, the largest discount will be applied.
2. Parents may choose from the following program days:
2 days (Tuesday, Thursday)
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
5 days (Monday through Friday)
Parents may choose from the following school program times:
Preschool Morning (8:20 – 12:00)
Three-Quarter Day (8:20 – 3:00)
Full Day (8:20 – 6:00)
3. We offer an Early Riser program from 7:30 – 8:20 with two options. You may choose the discounted Early Riser Monthly rate or be billed hourly for occasional use ($8.50/hour). There is no reduction for absences or holiday closures with the monthly rate.
4. Lunch Bunch and Extended Care are available by the hour as an option ($8.50/hour). No advance notice is necessary for these hourly options, but children staying will need to bring a lunch.
5. Children ages 2 and younger are not required to be toilet trained. Children ages 3 and older must be toilet trained. Children ages 3 and older may not come to school in pull-ups or diapers.
6. If a student has more than five tardies in a semester, a conference will be scheduled with the preschool director. If the tardies continue, this may be cause for dismissal from the preschool program.
7. If your child stays for after-care (after 1 PM), there is a one-time fee of $50 for supplies invoiced with the first tuition payment.
8. A $50 fee will be assessed for any changes made reducing your chosen school program days or times after August 1st. No fee will be assessed for adding days or hours.
9. Tuition for the school year is set annually and divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Your first tuition payment is due July 1st and is non-refundable. Payments 2 – 10 are due September 1st through May 1st. There is no tuition reduction for absences or holiday closures. Extra hours are billed separately.
10. Tuition reminders are sent via email by the 1st of the month, with payments due by the 5th. Tuition may be paid by cash, check, or online. A late fee of $25 may be assessed if full payment is not received by the 10th. Accounts inarrears for 30 days or more may result in dismissal from the program.
11. If you voluntarily withdraw your child from our program and wish to have your tuition prorated, you must give us two weeks’ written notice by filling out a withdrawal form. If you give us less than two weeks’ written notice, you will be responsible for the entire month’s tuition.
12. You will be charged $36 for returned checks.
13. The oldest child enrolled will pay 100% tuition and subsequent children will receive the 20% sibling discount regardless of program.
14. Abiding Savior Lutheran Church members receive a 20% reduction in tuition and pay a reduced preschool application/activity/supply fee of $200.
15. We reserve the right to withdraw the above discounts if tuition is not paid in full by the 10th of each month.
16. If multiple discounts are available, the largest discount will be applied.
Withdrawing an enrolled child from the program requires written notice to the preschool at least fourteen days prior to the day of withdrawal. A withdrawal request form is available from the office.
Parent Information
If your child will not be in school, please inform the preschool office or your child’s teacher before 8:30 am. If your child does not arrive at school and we have not heard from you, we may be in contact with you about your child.
Tardiness Policy
Preschool provides a great opportunity to establish good attendance habits that can continue into kindergarten and elementary school. Regular attendance can help children: build early literacy and math skills, develop social and emotional skills, and learn to persist in school.
Arrivals after 9:00 a.m. are disruptive to the classroom group in progress and difficult for the arriving child as well. We understand that it is occasionally unavoidable to be “running late.” Exceptions to this are excused doctor’s appointments during the school day. If a student has more than five tardies in a semester, a conference will be scheduled with the preschool director. If the tardies continue, this may be cause for dismissal from the preschool program.
Arrivals after 9:00 a.m. are disruptive to the classroom group in progress and difficult for the arriving child as well. We understand that it is occasionally unavoidable to be “running late.” Exceptions to this are excused doctor’s appointments during the school day. If a student has more than five tardies in a semester, a conference will be scheduled with the preschool director. If the tardies continue, this may be cause for dismissal from the preschool program.
We feel that open and frequent communication is the key to a successful relationship between the school and home.
All children need to bring a backpack to preschool. Please check your child’s backpack daily for notices of classroom or school events. Communication from the preschool and your child’s teacher will be done through
Procare or email.
You will receive a newsletter emailed every Friday from the director. Classroom teachers also send weekly informational emails.
You may access the preschool calendar on our website at abidingsavior.info. A paper copy ofthis calendar is included in your Welcome Folder. Please keep it handy.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the teachers or the director. If you need to speak to a teacher during the school day, we will take a message and have your call returned as soon as possible.
All children need to bring a backpack to preschool. Please check your child’s backpack daily for notices of classroom or school events. Communication from the preschool and your child’s teacher will be done through
Procare or email.
You will receive a newsletter emailed every Friday from the director. Classroom teachers also send weekly informational emails.
You may access the preschool calendar on our website at abidingsavior.info. A paper copy ofthis calendar is included in your Welcome Folder. Please keep it handy.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the teachers or the director. If you need to speak to a teacher during the school day, we will take a message and have your call returned as soon as possible.
Parent Involvement
We encourage parents to visit, observe the children in action, and share any special skills or talents, when possible. Throughout the year, help may be requested from parents for special occasions or projects. This is usually done in the form of a sign-up sheet or email from your child’s teacher requesting specific assistance. Any parent interested in helping in a specific capacity during the year is encouraged to contact the preschool director or his/her child’s teacher. Volunteer time from parents is always appreciated! The school also has a regularly active parent association that meets quarterly.
Parent Responsibilities
There are several ways you can help us maintain the best possible teaching atmosphere for your child:
- Communicate any concerns regarding our program or your child immediately to staff.
- Pick up and read the notices and information left for you in your child’s backpack and read the weekly email updates from the director and your child’s teacher.
- Look for your child’s work as it is important to them and provides another means of communication between parent and child and helps the parent share in the child’s day.
- Periodically check on your child’s supply of extra clothing. Please take-home soiled clothing promptly.
- No smoking, including e-cigarettes and vapes on the premises, either indoors or outdoors.
- We ask that you govern your speech and conduct with Christian values, as children quickly learn to model behavior.
We will celebrate birthdays during our morning snack time. Parents are welcome to provide healthy treats to be shared with their child’s class. Here is a list of birthday snack suggestions: mini cupcakes, mini muffins, donut holes, cookies, rice crispy treats, popsicles, pudding cups, applesauce, fruit cups, Gogurt or small yogurt cup, or cheese sticks. Please choose one birthday snack to share from the suggestions. Please check with your child’s teacher for quantities and food allergies and give us a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to adjust our snack menu. The teachers and staff will assist you in making these events special for your child.
Important: Please do not send in party invitations to be distributed at school if you are not inviting all the children in the class as feelings will be hurt. Also, invitations are often found, unopened, after the date of the event.
Important: Please do not send in party invitations to be distributed at school if you are not inviting all the children in the class as feelings will be hurt. Also, invitations are often found, unopened, after the date of the event.
Holiday Parties
We love to celebrate holidays in our Abiding Savior classrooms. The classroom teachers plan a special craft and special snack. One or two parent helpers are usually asked to sign up to help with the craft and snack. This is one time when we ask that siblings not attend, so that the parents helping can devote all their attention to our party activities. Siblings and other family members are invited to attend any or all of our family events, such as, but not limited to, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Program, Pie Supper, the Songfest and Art Show, and Graduation.
Special Events
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool does not take children on any off-campus field trips. We do however have many special events here on our campus. Children may attend special events with their class on a day that they do not normally attend school, if a parent or responsible adult accompanies them.
During the school year, situations arise where Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool children attend functions that are not school related, such as parent-initiated and parent-chaperoned gatherings. These situations are entered into by parents independent of any contractual relationship with Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool. Our school liability policy does not cover private arrangements that the parents of children at Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool have entered in on their own
During the school year, situations arise where Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool children attend functions that are not school related, such as parent-initiated and parent-chaperoned gatherings. These situations are entered into by parents independent of any contractual relationship with Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool. Our school liability policy does not cover private arrangements that the parents of children at Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool have entered in on their own
Show and Tell
Show and tell days and themes will be listed in the classrooms. Children are asked to bring one item in accordance with the provided theme. All show and tell items are to remain in cubbies except at show and tell time. Please do not bring toys from home on days that are not your child’s share day.
We encourage your child to stay and eat lunch with his or her friends. This is an excellent opportunity to build social skills, reinforce good eating habits, and table manners. Lunch Bunch is billed at $8/day for the hour from 12 – 1 pm. Please send your child’s lunch, along with a drink, in a standard size lunch box clearly labeled with your child’s name. We encourage healthy and nutritious foods. Please do not send carbonated beverages, candy, or excessively sweet desserts. We will be happy to microwave any food items as needed. Please include a cold pack, if necessary, to keep perishables fresh. Glass containers are prohibited for safety reasons.
Naptime/Quiet Time
All classrooms will have an age-appropriate length of scheduled nap or quiet time each day. The school will provide a rest mat, mat cover, and pillow set.
Dress Code
WE LIKE TO GET MESSY AT PRESCHOOL! Clothes should be comfortable and washable with fasteners that children can manipulate, especially if they are in the process of learning to use the bathroom independently. In cold weather, children should be dressed to play outside. We ask that every child keep a complete change of clothes, including socks, underwear, and shoes in a labeled Ziplock bag at school. Children who wear diapers or pull-ups should bring a clearly labeled package of them at the beginning of the year and replenish the supply, as necessary. We highly suggest wearing shorts or bloomers under dresses, as the mulch from the playground is uncomfortable when it gets stuck to clothing and diapers/pullups.
Children must always wear shoes. For obvious safety reasons, closed toed shoes such as sneakers are required. Cowboy boots, open sandals, flip-flops, crocs, and shoes with slippery soles are not permitted. If your child wears rain boots to school, please send a pair of shoes to change into.
Please wash and return any clothing borrowed from the school as soon as possible.
Please label all items, including hats, sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, sippy cups, and any nap items. Unidentified items and clothing will be placed in a lost and found box and, if unclaimed, donated to charity at the end of the year.
Children must always wear shoes. For obvious safety reasons, closed toed shoes such as sneakers are required. Cowboy boots, open sandals, flip-flops, crocs, and shoes with slippery soles are not permitted. If your child wears rain boots to school, please send a pair of shoes to change into.
Please wash and return any clothing borrowed from the school as soon as possible.
Please label all items, including hats, sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes, sippy cups, and any nap items. Unidentified items and clothing will be placed in a lost and found box and, if unclaimed, donated to charity at the end of the year.
Discipline/Expulsion Policy
Our discipline goal is a process of developing appropriate behaviors by educating and redirecting children. It emphasizes cooperation. Inappropriate behavior will be discussed between the teacher and child. If the child is unable to demonstrate self-controlling behavior, the child may be asked to sit separately from other children and activities. This occurs only if all other measures fail and is used to allow the child the opportunity to regulate, not as a punishment. A child will never be away from the care of a teacher or staff member. No child will be subjected to discipline that is severe, humiliating, frightening, or associated with food, rest, or toileting. We do not spank children.
If our discipline practices do not help to improve a child’s behavior, we will arrange a conference with the parents. The parents will be encouraged to collaborate with the teacher to establish a “united front” to guide the child’s appropriate behavioral development at home as well as at school. Professional counseling can be arranged, if necessary.
In extremely rare cases, especially if a child is continually physically aggressive toward other children or adults, we will ask that the child be withdrawn from the preschool.
If our discipline practices do not help to improve a child’s behavior, we will arrange a conference with the parents. The parents will be encouraged to collaborate with the teacher to establish a “united front” to guide the child’s appropriate behavioral development at home as well as at school. Professional counseling can be arranged, if necessary.
In extremely rare cases, especially if a child is continually physically aggressive toward other children or adults, we will ask that the child be withdrawn from the preschool.
Illness Policy
Should your child exhibit signs or symptoms of illness while at preschool, he/she will be isolated, and you or your child’s guardian will be called to pick up your child immediately. Children brought to school with signs or symptoms of illness will not be admitted.
Please do not give your child fever reducing medication before sending them to school.
When your child is absent due to illness, please let your child’s teacher know what type of signs and symptoms he/she is experiencing. In case of a communicable disease exposure at preschool, a notice will be posted, and parents will be encouraged to consult their child’s physician. Children absent due to a contagious disease may not return to preschool until their physician provides a signed statement that they are no longer contagious and may resume activities.
Please do not give your child fever reducing medication before sending them to school.
When your child is absent due to illness, please let your child’s teacher know what type of signs and symptoms he/she is experiencing. In case of a communicable disease exposure at preschool, a notice will be posted, and parents will be encouraged to consult their child’s physician. Children absent due to a contagious disease may not return to preschool until their physician provides a signed statement that they are no longer contagious and may resume activities.
Guidelines for Childhood Illnesses
Keep your child home from school when exhibiting signs of:
Most common reasons for sending a child home from school are:
Your child may return to school when:
- fever within the last 24 hours
- a cold or nasal discharge that is not clear
- a constant cough or croup
- any communicable disease
- head lice or nits
- scabies
- impetigo
- diarrhea or vomiting
- rapid or difficult breathing
- conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- infected sores
Most common reasons for sending a child home from school are:
- diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within a 24-hour period)
- vomiting
- fever of 100 or above
- symptoms of communicable disease
- impetigo
- herpes
- head lice or nits
- croup (barking cough)
- stiff neck
Your child may return to school when:
- free from fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing agents such as Tylenol
- nasal discharge has subsided
- vomiting or diarrhea has been resolved for 24 hours
- cough or croup has subsided
- incubation period of communicable disease has transpired, and your child is no longer contagious (must have a Dr.’s note to return to school)
- pink eye is no longer red and draining
- no lice or nits are visible in hair or scalp
- no open sores from impetigo
Medication Policy
All medication administration policies and procedures are state regulated. Any prescription medication administered by our staff must be in the original container with the pharmacy label stating the physician, child’s name, name of the medication, and medication directions. All prescription and non-prescription medications will be dispensed according to the written directions on the prescription label or the printed manufacturer’s label. A Medication Administration Authorization Form must be completed each time your child is to receive medication at the preschool. Please give this form and the medication to the school’s office for safekeeping.
Please do not give your child fever reducing medication prior to sending them to school.
Allergies are common in young children. Whether environmental or food induced, please provide sufficient information on your child’s enrollment form so we may take appropriate precautions to protect your child’s health.
Our staff will continually encourage good personal health and hygiene habits for your child while in attendance at preschool. We require hand washing upon arrival in the morning, before snacks and lunch, after outside playtime, after toileting and at other appropriate times. Instruction in personal hygiene will be emphasized as part of our curriculum.
Please do not give your child fever reducing medication prior to sending them to school.
Allergies are common in young children. Whether environmental or food induced, please provide sufficient information on your child’s enrollment form so we may take appropriate precautions to protect your child’s health.
Our staff will continually encourage good personal health and hygiene habits for your child while in attendance at preschool. We require hand washing upon arrival in the morning, before snacks and lunch, after outside playtime, after toileting and at other appropriate times. Instruction in personal hygiene will be emphasized as part of our curriculum.
Health Records
For the protection of all children enrolled in the preschool and per the State of Florida Department of Children and Families regulations, parents are required to submit their child’s current physical (school entry health exam) and immunization records prior to the first day of school. These records must be updated annually or as needed to remain in compliance with state law. For various reasons, there may be children who are not complete in their immunization schedule enrolled at our school.
Preschool office staff have access to the Florida Shots website to obtain student immunization records (Electronically certifited DH Form 680).
Preschool office staff have access to the Florida Shots website to obtain student immunization records (Electronically certifited DH Form 680).
Injury Policy
In the event of a medical incident, we will follow the procedures listed below:
- If your child has a minor injury, (small bump, bruise or cut that does not require stitches) the staff will comfort the child, wash the wound, and apply a bandage and/or cold pack. The staff will not apply medication to a wound.
- If your child has an accident or injury that requires medical attention, but not immediate emergency care, the parent or guardian will be called to take the child for medical treatment. Examples include cuts that may need stitches, uncontrollable nosebleeds, large bumps, or possible fractures.
- In obvious or potentially dangerous emergency situations, the staff will call 911, render emergency first aid as needed, and call the parent or guardian. The staff will request EMS personnel to take your child to the hospital listed as your choice on the enrollment form. If possible, a staff member will accompany your child in the ambulance.
Although we have attempted to provide an environment at the preschool that meets the highest standards of safety for your child, accidents may happen. Most accidents are the result of children playing and are hard to predict or prevent. When such accidents require medical attention, parents should first contact their health insurance provider for reimbursement of medical costs. However, to provide maximum protection for your child, all children enrolled in the preschool will be covered under a supplemental accident insurance policy at no additional charge. Information and claim forms are available from the office.
School Closures/Emergency Evacuation
Flex days on our school calendar may be used for weather. If Alachua County has closed their schools due to a weather-related event, our school will also be closed. No further days will be made up after all flex days are used.
If the school needs to evacuate, our off-site relocation area is at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1001 NW 98th Street, directly north of our property. Each teacher will notify the parents/guardians of the children in their class with instructions for pick up via text message or phone call.
Fire drills are practiced monthly. In actual incidences, parents will be notified by phone as soon as possible.
If the school needs to evacuate, our off-site relocation area is at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1001 NW 98th Street, directly north of our property. Each teacher will notify the parents/guardians of the children in their class with instructions for pick up via text message or phone call.
Fire drills are practiced monthly. In actual incidences, parents will be notified by phone as soon as possible.
Video/Photo Release
Parents or guardians are asked to sign a Video/Photo Release form to allow Abiding Savior Lutheran Church and School to use their child’s photo in materials for public distribution to promote or advertise our preschool.
The front door of each building will always remain locked, so please ring the intercom for admittance. DCF requires you to sign in and out daily using your Procare Pin for your child.
All Visitors and Volunteers are asked to check in at the school’s office, sign in and out on our volunteer log, and wear an identification badge while in the building.
The preschool staff will release children only to persons authorized by the parent or guardian. Your child may be picked up by persons designated by you in writing, on file in our office, and with their own Procare Pin. Identification by driver’s license may be required. The preschool will abide by all legally served court orders regarding parental custody. Please provide copies of certified court papers for our files
All Visitors and Volunteers are asked to check in at the school’s office, sign in and out on our volunteer log, and wear an identification badge while in the building.
The preschool staff will release children only to persons authorized by the parent or guardian. Your child may be picked up by persons designated by you in writing, on file in our office, and with their own Procare Pin. Identification by driver’s license may be required. The preschool will abide by all legally served court orders regarding parental custody. Please provide copies of certified court papers for our files
State License and Tax Information
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool operates under The Department of Children and Families license # C08AL0212. Our tax ID number is 59-3081174.
Child Abuse/Neglect
Abiding Savior Lutheran Preschool is required by the State of Florida to report any suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect.