How it all started...
The name of our Lutheran congregation, "Abiding Savior," expresses the Christ-centered message and worship life of the church in this place and the acknowledgment of His holy presence with us by means of His Word and Sacraments.
Abiding Savior was founded as a concept in 1989, when First Lutheran Church desired to establish a new LCMS congregation in the northwest Gainesville area. We came together as a congregation in 1991, originally meeting to worship at Oak Hall School, before being blessed with our current location and sanctuary in 1994. The preschool began a year later in 1995, starting with only four classrooms and a handful of staff. Our pastor at the time, Rev. Ken Schamens, helped bring together our congregation and build up a community of believers that formed our church.
Pastor Schamens served Abiding Savior until 2002, assisted for seven years by Rev. Charles Reich, who continued serving us after Pastor Schamens retired. Pastor Reich would stay with us until 2006. In 2007, Abiding Savior called Rev. Enwood Nevis and then Rev. Alan Struckmeyer, as Senior Pastor.
In 2007 we were also blessed with the completion of our Family Life Center, giving us more space for fellowship and to expand our preschool. This building is dedicated to Charles and Charlotte Scholz, who gifted Abiding Savior with a major donation to finish the construction.
Pastor Nevis would end his service with us in 2011 and Pastor Struckmeyer served us until his death in 2021. In 2022, Rev. Graham Glover was called to serve as our Senior Pastor.
Abiding Savior was founded as a concept in 1989, when First Lutheran Church desired to establish a new LCMS congregation in the northwest Gainesville area. We came together as a congregation in 1991, originally meeting to worship at Oak Hall School, before being blessed with our current location and sanctuary in 1994. The preschool began a year later in 1995, starting with only four classrooms and a handful of staff. Our pastor at the time, Rev. Ken Schamens, helped bring together our congregation and build up a community of believers that formed our church.
Pastor Schamens served Abiding Savior until 2002, assisted for seven years by Rev. Charles Reich, who continued serving us after Pastor Schamens retired. Pastor Reich would stay with us until 2006. In 2007, Abiding Savior called Rev. Enwood Nevis and then Rev. Alan Struckmeyer, as Senior Pastor.
In 2007 we were also blessed with the completion of our Family Life Center, giving us more space for fellowship and to expand our preschool. This building is dedicated to Charles and Charlotte Scholz, who gifted Abiding Savior with a major donation to finish the construction.
Pastor Nevis would end his service with us in 2011 and Pastor Struckmeyer served us until his death in 2021. In 2022, Rev. Graham Glover was called to serve as our Senior Pastor.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30 am and 11:00 am.